Ethnologist  Film Scientist  Vidéaste

Born in Chur, living and working in Zurich and Basel.

After the teacher’s training in Chur and working as teacher in Chur and China, I studied (visual) ethnology and constitutional law at the University of Berne and film studies at the University of Zurich. Besides of my studies I attended an audiovisual formation at the Schule für Gestaltung Bern.

My artistic activities include documentary and essayistic video works and installations for international festivals and exhibitions, which led me to residencies and study visits in Australia, China, Laos, Mali, the USA and various countries in Central and Southern Europe.

I have been teaching and researching for many years at the Zurich University of the Arts and other universities of applied sciences, since 2007 as a PI and lecturer at the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures/Critical Media Lab IXDM/CML at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Academy of Art and Design, currently co-heading the CML and Head of Continuing Education IXDM.

My work is characterized by transdisciplinary collaborations at the interface of artistic and scientific practices, with a focus on border issues, ecologies, new materialism (critical posthumanism), agency, methods & practices and (interactive) presentation formats. 

For further details see