s/top & b/order (1996)

s/top & b/order (1996)

CH 1996 / U-matic lowband / loops / stereo / colour / related video installations / English, French and Italian texts

Idea and Realisation
Flavia Caviezel

Anselm Caminada

Sound engineering
Star Track Studiokombinat Schaffhausen, Olifr Maurmann; Anselm Caminada, Flavia Caviezel

Spital regiunal Surselva,Ilanz; Lindenhofspital Berne

The Videots Biel

Swiss Alpine Museum, Berne 1996


s/top (b/w): Inspired by a sled-accident I deal with the subject „alps and danger (of accidents). The crutch as a prerequisite for reconvalescence is used as an installation object. A monitor into the handle projects x-rays.

b/order (colour): From standstill to motion: In the installation b/order subjects of s/top are developped further to more general questions about borders: On personal, geografical, linguistical borders and their crossing, dissolution and limitation.

b/order has as well been edited as a tape version (6: 30 minutes) and played at festivals and cinemas.


freiburger film-video-forum Freiburg i.B. (D) 1996; Viper Lucerne 1996; Nacht der Filmerinnen, Lucerne 1997; Werkstatt, Chur 2001.

Ostschweizer Werkschau 1996 (Kinok), St. Gall 1996; experiMental (Xenia/Xenix), Zurich 1996; Cinématte, Berne 1998.

In C (1998)

In C (1998)

Oben bleibt niemand (1994)

Oben bleibt niemand (1994)