In C (1998)

In C (1998)

CH/USA 1998 / U-matic lowband / video installation / 39 minutes (loop) / stereo / colour

Idea and Realisation
Flavia Caviezel

In C of Terry Riley, played by 20 musicians from Grison under supervision of Franco Mettler (live-recording during the performance at the Rathaushalle in Chur).

The Videots, Berne

The endlessly pulsing C-Octave in Terry Rileys music-piece In C defines the rythm as well as the structure of the video. The music triggers associations of incessant movement, repetition and meditation.

The dissolves start in the ‘underwater world’ (waterplants, fishes), change to the ‘overwater world’ (men – city – mobility – media – financial industry) to hide again into the first one.

The montage uses ideas underlying the musical structure: the 53 patterns of the piece that differ with small variations from each other should be repeated by the musicians during a choosen period of time.

Rathaushalle Chur 1998; Year-end exhibition of the Museum of Art Chur 1998/99; Palais Besenval Solothurn 2002; Langer Samstag (with live performance by the Kammerphilharmonie Graubünden) Chur 2009; Museum of Art Chur 2011 and 2012.

”Der Churer Videoistin gelang es, nicht die eigentliche Musik von „In C“, sondern vielmehr Idee und Aussage dieses Minimal-Frühwerkes in sinnbildliche Formen umzusetzen. Überlagert bewegten sich da auf der Grossleinwand Ameisen und Menschen, ein Laufen und Rennen scheinbar ohne Ziel und Sinn. Und doch: Langsam und spärlich geben die Bilder Aussage und Inhalt preis – eben minimal.“                                       
Domenic Buchli, Südostschweiz, 25.6.1998

Purchased by the Museum of Art Chur.


liminality (1999)

liminality (1999)

s/top & b/order (1996)

s/top & b/order (1996)